My first day of flexischooling

What a star! J’s relfections on our first day of flexi-school


On my first day of flexischooling I went to my grandma’s house. We went in the house and I couldn’t believe it…WE WERE AT SCHOOL….IN GRANDMA’S HOUSE!

Our teacher, Sophie, gave us mascots. My mascot is called J-Monk. First name J, last name Monk.


We used all of our senses to enjoy strawberries and chocolate. Mmmmm yummy.

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Turkey Space – week 2

The children have invented their own exciting projects to use as a learning theme for their numeracy and literacy activities during flexi-school

J:  Turkeytastic!!!

Lily:   Lily’s fun world in space

This week at school in NUMERACY the children have been learning about different areas; time and addition.

Sophie planned a more structured session to support their learning at school and shared learning objectives with the children.  The difference is the children were supported in reaching the learning objective independently in a multi-sensory environment using a variety of different resources, the outdoors and most importantly the children’s own ideas and interests!



A human clock The children wrote numbers on 12 pieces of paper after working out how many they would need to make a clock face.  They made a big minute hand and a small hour hand.  They then ran outside to work out where to put the numbers

A human clock
The children wrote numbers on 12 pieces of paper after working out how many they would need to make a clock face. They made a big minute hand and a small hour hand. They then ran outside to work out where to put the numbers

They decided they needed to make it bigger

They decided they needed to make it bigger

half past 3.  The hour hand needs to go imbetween the 2 and the 3 because its half way to 3

half past 3. The hour hand needs to go imbetween the 2 and the 3 because its half way to 3

Lily and J then decided to be the clock hands to work as a team to make the times that the clock master called to them.

Lily and J then decided to be the clock hands to work as a team to make the times that the clock master called to them.

photo 4 photo 3 photo 2

Lily’s moon clock!  So she can tell the time and remember to get back in the rocket back to Earth to be home in time for tea!

Lily's moon boots!  bouncy bouncy bounce!

Lily’s moon boots! bouncy bouncy bounce!

photo 4 photo 2

J decided to another word problem on a white board

J decided to another word problem on a white board

Term two of flexi school – Recounting an amazing trip to Turkey

Imagine you have been on an amazing trip during your school holidays with your family and then when you returned to school, that trip became the basis to inspire your learning?

During half term the children visited their friends and family in Turkey.  Turkey is a significant place as it is a part of their heritage.

9.30 – 10.15am
Literacy:  Speaking and Listening Role Play
Opening experience:  Be the teacher

The children pretended to “be the teacher” and teach Sophie as well as J monk, Lily and all the teddies all about Turkey and their holiday.  Sophie recorded them speaking on a dictaphone to later extract the children’s areas of interests to use as a basis for planning learning experiences.

The children also showed Sophie their souvenirs, a watch from their uncle, a bracelet and yummy Turkish biscuits.

photo 5

J's watch

J’s watch

They were so happy to have been able to talk about their holiday for 45 minutes!  Remembering all the experiences, answering questions from the teddies about their holiday and Turkish customs.

10.15 – 10.45 Play

10.45 – 11.30

Planning our term
What do we want to learn about?
What do we want our project to be?
What would we like our finale to be to celebrate the end of flexi-school before the summer holidays?

photo 1

Lily wants to learn all about space!

photo 3

J wants to learn more about Turkey

photo 2




Mange Tout complete!

Wednesday 21st May 2014

It was our last session before half term… the children had assessment week at school and J was feeling the pressure. We had a chilled out flexi-school session to reflect on all the activities we had done together, all the places we had visited together, all the things we had learnt and how we had learnt them best.

J used the fantastic online resource of story bird to publish his own amazing story choosing from inspirational artwork to write from.

Lily chose from a variety of media to create her poster

Lily chose from a variety of media to create her poster

Lily designed a poster to encourage others to join the flexi-school movement

Lily designed a poster to encourage others to join the flexi-school movement

While we were playing in the garde nwe checked on our patch and the sunflower seeds have sprouted!

While we were playing in the garde nwe checked on our patch and the sunflower seeds have sprouted!