exploring our emotions and water capacity! Flexi school 26.11.14

Today at flexi school the children explored emotional literacy and capacity in numeracy.

A vitally important element of children’s education that numeracy and literacy skills are often priorities above is emotional literacy; Children having the skills to express the emotions they are experiencing in a positive and constructive way.

The children and I played a warmup snap style game with a variety of basic emotion cards which sparked an interesting discussion about emotions.

Next we sat in a hot seat and each acted out an emotion for the others to guess.

We then looked up a glossary of emotions and were surprised by all the different words for describing your different emotions to help communicate with others.

Out in the garden, we collected stones and painted them with different expressions to represent different emotions. J looked up synonyms to extend his emotional vocabulary and write them around his stones.

The painted feelings stones would be a lovely way for children to discuss their emotions with their families and friends.

Next time we explore our emotions I would like to use the ICT resources of “emoticons”
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Exploring Capacity

At school J is learning about capacity, so we played a game using his amazing powers if estimation!

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